Why I Chose Cybersecurity As My Major
Cybersecurity wasn't my first choice for a major. I had originally wanted to be an Electrical Engineer. Later on in life, I figured out that it involved more science than I was willing to learn. When searching for majors, I came across the fields of Information Technology. I was amazed at what could be done in the fields of technology beyond just using science. I stumbled upon Information Security or, in many schools, Cybersecurity by pure coincidence. At first, I thought, "I don't have the skillset for this kind of career." but then I heard an announcement on the school's PA looking for candidates for a Cybersecurity education pilot program. I decided to sign up and was accepted. It was an ok class but it taught me what I needed and that this was the field for me. After the program, I became more aware of what kinds of evils are in the world when it comes to computers. Nothing in this world is 100% secure. If someone wants to get to the information they are not supposed to look at, they will do everything in their power to access it. Learn more about information security here.

that is actually really interesting! i didn't know you could major in that. i want to major in forensics.